On the project’s side, the past two months saw two successful bilateral visits and one ASAP Team meeting being organised. In-depth discussion and interesting exchanges on topics ranging from sport in nature and sport for development (CZ NOC meeting DOSB in Frankfurt), through sustainability of sport infrastructure and refrigeration systems of ice arenas (SK NOC visiting DK NOC in Copenhagen), finally to sustainability programme of the EYOF 2022 and green procurement (ASAP Team meeting in Bratislava) have inspired, motived and moved all the present actor one step further on their sustainability journeys.
The Team meeting in Bratislava held on 28-30 June offered, furthermore, the time and space to examine with the SK NOC Executive Director Gábor Asványi the importance of sustainability for SK NOC as an umbrella organisation of Slovak sport, and to discuss the content and format of the final ASAP conference. Presentations on behavioral psychology and its importance for sustainability in sport and on cooperation and communication with national federations about sustainability then opened the way for an engaging exchange of experiences and good practices.
After more than two years of intensive work in the framework of the project, and in the case of the mentors, after many more years of work on sustainability in general, the ASAP team has a lot to share and exchange with other sport organisations. Indeed, the activities of the Team members as well as the project outputs (Roadmap and Toolbox) can serve as a valuable inspiration for the sport movement at large. In May and June, the Team got the opportunity to share the results of their work at two great occasions. Firstly, the main project outputs and the working methods were presented to the members of the EOC Sustainability and Active Society Commission thus making their way to many other National Olympic Committees in Europe. And secondly, going beyond the NOCs’ audience, three members of the ASAP Team were invited to the Sustainability Report podcast where they discussed the origins of the project, the work carried out by each of the organisations, and the benefits of the mentor-mentee cooperation.
As Europe turns to its summer break, also the ASAP project activities will somewhat slow down only to re-accelerate at the beginning of September with the run-up to the grand finale – the final project conference to be held in Prague on 12 October.