The packed programme reflected not only the fact that the ASAP team members have not seen each other in person since the kick-off meeting, but also the growing number of sustainability-in-sport initiatives at national and international level. Team members:
- debated the progress each of them has made in the past months individually as well as collectively;
- they learnt from Paris 2024 and IOC representatives about latest developments in both organisations;
- and they got inspired by activities and initiatives of the Danish Golf Union and Danish Automobile Union as well as by DIF’s work with clubs and federation and its Innovation Lab.
The topic of communications was placed centre-stage during the meeting and that not only thanks to the possibility to finally exchange and speak to each other face-to-face. How to communicate sustainability towards sport movement stakeholders was the main theme of a short workshop led by Matthew Campelli, Sustainability Director at Touchline, who had previously taken the ASAP team through the do’s and don’ts of sustainability communications in the form of an online webinar. Flemming Andersen, Associate partner at “DeltagerDanmark”, then introduced the Team to basic concepts of how to work with, and overcome, psychological barriers to advancing in sustainability aka “changing behaviour”. All what participants have learnt in this area and more will be reflected in the forthcoming ASAP Sustainability Communications Cheatsheet.
Next to communications, the topic innovation was a red threat running through the meeting. And what better way to finish the two intensive days than to visit the world-famous innovative waste-to-power plant/ski slope CopenHill.
The ASAP team will meet again in March/April 2022 and in the meantime, its members will work hard on the main project outputs: ASAP Sustainability Strategy Creation Roadmap and its toolbox as well as on the respective sustainability strategies (more information coming soon).