The main part of the meeting was dedicated to the presentation of the results of the mentee NOCs’ organisational screening, and to a thorough discussion on the implication of its outcomes for the next steps in the sustainability strategy creation process. Even though mentee NOCs used the same screening templates, the set-up of the screening process and how far each organisation had gotten differed substantially. One of the main messages stemming out of this exercise is that one-size-fits all process does not exist in this respect. Having a number of different examples on how the creation of the sustainability strategy can be organised will help turning the main project outputs/results (such as the Organisational Screening templates) into truly practical documents.

In the second part of the meeting, the project team reviewed the first draft of the Sustainability Strategy Creation Roadmap and discussed what concrete activities and actions should follow the organisational screening. It was agreed that by the end of August, mentees NOC would finalise their screening, analyse its results, identify the biggest risks and opportunities, and prepare a draft of the introduction and “setting the scene” parts of their respective strategies, drawing from the information gathered in the previous steps, and intensively cooperating with their mentors.

The next ASAP Team meeting is planned to take place in Frankfurt (hosted by the DOSB) at end of October 2020.